Sunday, July 15, 2007

About Movies from Melbourne

Making movies is a difficult business- hugely expensive, with many elements having to align to achieve the end product. Yet many reviewers take a very superior attitude as if given the chance, they would have made a much better movie they are reviewing than the film makers.

i will concentrate on the good things about films-mostly. This year has been particularly good for films. I have loved a lot of the films I have seen. This includes, the Transformers, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Knocked Up, Oceans 13, Sunshine, Black Book, Spider Man 3, Pan's Labryinth and Children of Men. Others I enjoyed, including Pirates of the Carribean, Night at the Museum, Babel.

The big Summer Spectaculars seem to be getting over special effects and have rediscovered old-fashioned story telling and characterisation- even Michael Bay with The Transformers (though it could be Steven Spieberg had something to do with that).

I have also been seeing bollywood films. I have been reviewing them under

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